We can help you in the following areas of development:


  Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista
  Windows 98/ME
  Pocket PC 2000/2002
  Windows CE
  Palm OS

  Visual C++
  Visual C#
  Visual Basic
  ASP VB Script/JScript
  Install Shield Script
  Verilog HDL


Tools Used
  Microsoft Platform Builder 5.0/6.0
  Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0
  Visual Studio .NET 2.0
  Microchip MPLAB v7.6
  Atmel AVR Studio 4
  Altera Quartus II 7.0
  MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes)
  Multimedia SDK
  Direct X SDK
  Metroworks Codewarrior
  Adobe Photoshop
  Macromedia Flash

Types of Projects
  Network Clients (Telnet, FTP, Web Server)
  Network Drivers (NBNS, DHCP, NDIS)
  Mouse, Keyboard, and Serial Drivers
  Direct X Drivers and Applications
  Control Panel Applets
  Web Applications
  Window Applications
  Window COM Components
  Window Active X Controls
  Pocket PC Applications Testing

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